2022 Finalist Teams

50 finalist teams were inducted into the 2022 edition of The Ghana Science and Tech Explorer Prize (GSTEP) Challenge.

25 teams each were selected from the Greater Accra and Ashanti regions respectively after the assessment of over 800 entries submitted. 

Over a period of seven (7) weeks, the teams participated in a series of mentoring and coaching sessions during which they developed prototypes of the ideas they submitted. They also developed a business plan and soft skills including presentation and communication skills.

As part of activities lined up for the Challenge, the finalists participated in industry visits to STEM-related organisations where they interacted with experts and gained knowledge on how things work in their areas of expertise. 

The teams pitched their ideas and presented their ideas to a panel of expert judges. They also presented their prototypes to the general public at an Exhibition. The judges selected the winners of the Challenge who were announced and celebrated at a prestigious awards ceremony.

Meet the 2022 GSTEP finalist teams.