Our Mentors

Sheila Akuoko Adomaka
Client Relations Officer
Sheila is a resolute person with proven records of delighting customers and supporting professional needs with precision. She has worked in the insurance industry for 7 years as a Client Relations Officer.
Her passion for tech and science made her participate and win the pitch for Pre-MEST Startup Creation Cohort 1 in Kumasi (Women’s Haven Africa), with S2AMed; a MedTech application which is at the prototype stage of development.
She holds BSc Actuarial Science, MSc Finance and also a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountant – Ghana.
previous mentorship experience
She has been a volunteer for Scripture Union (SU) Ashanti since 2010, working with the youth to inspire them with their walk with God, offering them academic, relationship and career counseling, and mentoring them to become better versions of themselves.
I am a GSTEP mentor because...
I am passionate about Science and Technology and want to see young people acquire new knowledge and skills that will enable them achieve more than they though they could achieve.
areas of expertise
- Entrepreneurship
- Actuarial Science
- Finance
- Accounting